Sunday 4 April 2010

Little old me.

Heyaa Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it!

After quite a long time not posting, I'm actually kind of miss it. Well, the idea to post something had crossed me a few times but always not in the right time (e.g: while I'm driving, etc) and then the idea passed me by. And think of it, life is just like that. It passes you by.

But no, I'm not going to write about life, well, a bit maybe. In fact, I'm going to recommend you a superb book (in my opinion of course) called Le petit Nicolas, or Little Nicholas as they translated it into English. The book series were written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Jean-Jacques Sempé. It's actually a French children book, which is quite popular, and amusing. Some of the series are Le petit Nicolas, Les récrés du petit Nicolas, Les vacances du petit Nicolas, Le petit Nicolas et les copains, Le petit Nicolas a des ennuis.

The books told us a story about Le petit Nicolas or Little Nicholas at school, and basically about his daily life with his friends and also his parents. How they made childish pranks at school, disobeyed their parents, annoyed their teachers. But at the same time they always had a good time. Maybe it's just a child perspective, but reading those books made me thinks that it's all about your perception. How you see yourself in any situation or problem. It all depends. And if we try to perceive it in a childlike perspective (but with adult responsibility of course) maybe life will be easier or even, more beautiful.

Monday 14 December 2009

À la folie... pas du tout

That my friends, is a title of a french film. The English one is He Loves Me.. He Loves Me Not, starring Audrey Tautou and Samuel Le Bihan. At first I thought it was simply a chick flick but it turned out it wasn't! Okay I won't give you any spoiler but I think it's worth to watch. A simple lesson that appearance can be deceiving or in this case a story that you led to believe.

The story began when Angélique, a successful art student purchased a single pink rose to be delivered to her lover, Dr. Loïc Le Garrec (Samuel Le Bihan). A cardiologist who is married and a soon-to-be father. But she's crazy in love with him and he's her. Therefore, despite all the obstacles, she believes that nothing can separate her from him..

Okay crappy summary I know. I'm not good in making summary but hey don't let my shitty synopsis prevent you from watching this ;)

Monday 23 November 2009

One step at a time.

"Every journey begins with a single step." - Gilmore Girls

I'm not sure which character in Gilmore Girls who said it. I didn't even realise that it's from Gilmore. It just came out when Laura and I was chatting. It was in fact, said by her. And she also answered,"NGAYAL!" or dreaming. Dream! Which is of course I agree whole-heartedly.

We, or myself. I think we all, like to dream. Either it's about what our future would be or dreaming about something good that we want to happen to us. Anyway, have you ever play the game "Where do you see yourself in five years (from now)?" Well, I haven't actually played that game though I've been thinking and wondering. There's this scene from the British series Skins season 1 or 2 (I forget), where one the characters, Anwar was asked by a girl about this question. Unfortunately, he couldn't answer it because he couldn't even imagine where he would be, although he could answer directly where does he see his friends five years from now.

I think it's quite a sad fact when we couldn't see ourselves where will be in the future. I'm not saying that we should have planned it all the waaaaayyyy. It's good if you have but it is also okay if you haven't as long as you or we have a vision about something.

Let's dream if you haven't dream at all about your future. At least that way we take a single step or the very first one. Next, we can take another one to achieve our dream and begin our own journeys.

So, where do you see yourself five years from now? Elaborate your dreams and comment please! ;)

Have a nice nice dream!

Sunday 15 November 2009

of coffee and tasks.

Hola! Happy Sunday everyone!

The reason of my jolly mood is merely due to the power of caffeine. There's something in that addictive essence that enlighten my spirit. Or simply because I'm addicted. Anyway, I just feel that whenever I sip my morning coffee on a Sunday morning, I feel like everything would be alright. Even with the deadline of my qualitative course of which I haven't done anything. Albeit it is due on Tuesday. My my. I'm still waiting for the inspiration and the adrenaline rush to kick in. Bad lazy lass.

If only life's is that simple. Problem solved with a cup of coffee, like the everything-would-be-alright-feeling that I get when I drink it. Sadly, it's not. Most certainly never will be. Okay enough with the emphases. It's just that we need to do something to achieve what we desire. As I have to done something to finish my task or it won't be done by itself. Something that sometimes never be enough. Or maybe sometimes we feel that we have had ENOUGH!

But hey, life isn't a smooth long road or whatever you want to call it. It is full of surprises and the surprise isn't always be good. It is full of bumpy roads. Challenge. Sorrow. Despair. Happiness. Success. Failure. etc. The thing is, sometimes our plans don't work the way we want the to be. And we have to anticipate. Or move on, if they fail. Or maybe there's another way to acquire them.

Other time, I was wondering what is like if life is handed to us on a silver platter, wouldn't it be great? Then, I thought maybe not. If everything in our life runs that smoothly, maybe we won't appreciate things the way they are. Cannot see how wonderful the life we are actually living in. It just a matter of perspective in my opinion.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how." That is the biggest reason why we should have an aim, a goal in this life. To bear any how. So whatever that come along the way we can face it, and fight for what we want. If somehow we feel like life is shitting us. Well, maybe the best is yet to come.

Have a good day!

Saturday 31 October 2009

trying to, trying to

According to Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary, fit in means:

1. to feel happy in a group of people because you are similar to them
if one thing fits in with another thing, they look pleasant together or are suitable for each other
to be part of a situation, system, or plan
to be able to be done between other activities

Okay, we'll use all of the definition here except for no.4. Why? Because I want to talk about fitting in. We, as a human, divided into 2 categories. As a biological creature and a social creature. At least that what I have been taught. As a biological creature we need to eat, breathe, and sleep. While as a social one we need other people whether to help each other or to interact with each other

As we're given the ability to adapt in a new situation or to fit in, we usually do everything in our power to adjust ourselves into it. And when we live in a society there are some moral codes or rules that we need to comply. Either it's how to dress, how to talk, or how to behave. It depends on every society.

My question is, how far will you go to fit in in a society or a smaller one, group? Yes, everybody needs to belong to. It's the third need in the Maslow's hierarchy. The need of belonging and love.
Okay you have to be fashionable to belong to a popular group. So you change the way you dress. The next step will be, you need to be thin, then you starve yourself. later on, you need to be as cool as the others so you might need to smoke or do drugs. And so on..

What happen to diversity? Why do you need to be the exact replica of the others? I get that we need something in common to click. But to what extend? Next step might be a cosmetic surgery or even changing your orientation. Do we really have to go along the way just to be accepted? Or maybe, maybe we just fall into the wrong group. Then again, the definition said that "
to feel happy in a group of people because you are similar to them", I think sacrificing and changing yourself that much won't make you that happy.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

the shoes SEARCH !

ta-da, the third post!

Okay sorry, not funny. Forgive my too-caffeinated brain. Anyway we're in the shoes search today. Who's we? Well, there are Anggi, Aji, Laura, and of course yours truly (yes, moi.) We are the culprits. No, it's not a band or a gank or anything. I just like to say it because when we are together, usually we'll do something wrong. For instance, taking too much photos instead of doing the work, taking wrong turn and get ourselves in the wrong street. Yeah you know boring little things like that. So yes, we aren't thugs or anything. Just a bunch of crazy ordinary college girls. Back to my topic, the shoes search.

So maybe I exaggerate a little here (coughing) to even called it a search. BUT, I do have a reason for it. It started when a long time ago. Well, a year ago actually, my friend, Laura, needed to find a new pair of shoes. Being a good friend (and also a shopaholic), I offered to accompany her to find new shoes. I thought it would be a piece of cake, since I myself is a quick shopper. But, that not the case here with my friend Laura. She needs a looooooong time to find shoes that she likes. Long story short, I was quite depressed as she recalled because we didn't find new shoes at the of our trip. So she went searching again with Aji the very next day. Finally found one.

Therefore, when she needs to find another new pair of shoes the next year (meaning now), she cautiously warned me about the last experience. Me, being myself of course did not listen. So, today we went to Wondershoe in search of new shoes for Laura. From the information that we gathered, the store is located in Kemanggisan. After spending about an hour and half for searching the store we finally found it. But, Aji and Anggi who were in the other car, failed to notice the store. So, I honked and honked and honked but to no avail. Those two didn't notice us! Given up, I phoned Aji and explained that we found it.

Fortunately, our trip wasn't in vain! Laura found a new pair of shoes and so did I! Yeah I know, I definitely don't need a new ones, but hey, I just love shoes as much as the next girl if not more. Beside, you can't have TOO much shoes ;)

P.S: The shoe store, Wondershoe is worth to be checked out as some of you have already known.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Sort of knew but NOT really.

Hello folks!

It's a beautiful Sunday, isn't it? I started my not-so-morning day, drinking my not-so-morning coffee. Anyway,I want to ask you a few questions.
Have you ever think that you know someone (in this case your friend) and suddenly, you found out a few months later that he/she isn't what you think they are? Like they changed, or maybe it just the way they are. So in this case, you have actually made friend with the fake his/her?

Well, if you ever been in this situation, you must understand what I am talking about.
And before you ask, no it isn't your bestfriend or your amour. Because let's face it that way would be more difficult to understand. I simply talk about a mere friend here. I know this person for about 2 years. He/she is a quite good friend of mine and also a good person, albeit with no backbone. You know, someone who can't stand up for his/herself. But they're good. or dare I say it? Innocent. A very rare quality, isn't it?
And then life happens, we're very busy with our own activities, and we're rarely meet or chit-chat. I found about his/her news from other people.

I met his/her in a rare occasions, and thought that he/she is such a different person now. Does not have that innocence anymore, which is good in some way. Has more backbone. BUT, also a helluva more superficial. Some in a good and bad way.
We do know that people change and forget to tell each other as Lillian Hellman once said. And frankly, I'm not oppose to change. Because change is good if you change for the better you and not losing yourself somewhere along the way.