ta-da, the third post!
Okay sorry, not funny. Forgive my too-caffeinated brain. Anyway we're in the shoes search today. Who's we? Well, there are Anggi, Aji, Laura, and of course yours truly (yes, moi.) We are the culprits. No, it's not a band or a gank or anything. I just like to say it because when we are together, usually we'll do something wrong. For instance, taking too much photos instead of doing the work, taking wrong turn and get ourselves in the wrong street. Yeah you know boring little things like that. So yes, we aren't thugs or anything. Just a bunch of crazy ordinary college girls. Back to my topic, the shoes search.
So maybe I exaggerate a little here (coughing) to even called it a search. BUT, I do have a reason for it. It started when a long time ago. Well, a year ago actually, my friend, Laura, needed to find a new pair of shoes. Being a good friend (and also a shopaholic), I offered to accompany her to find new shoes. I thought it would be a piece of cake, since I myself is a quick shopper. But, that not the case here with my friend Laura. She needs a looooooong time to find shoes that she likes. Long story short, I was quite depressed as she recalled because we didn't find new shoes at the of our trip. So she went searching again with Aji the very next day. Finally found one.
Therefore, when she needs to find another new pair of shoes the next year (meaning now), she cautiously warned me about the last experience. Me, being myself of course did not listen. So, today we went to Wondershoe in search of new shoes for Laura. From the information that we gathered, the store is located in Kemanggisan. After spending about an hour and half for searching the store we finally found it. But, Aji and Anggi who were in the other car, failed to notice the store. So, I honked and honked and honked but to no avail. Those two didn't notice us! Given up, I phoned Aji and explained that we found it.
Fortunately, our trip wasn't in vain! Laura found a new pair of shoes and so did I! Yeah I know, I definitely don't need a new ones, but hey, I just love shoes as much as the next girl if not more. Beside, you can't have TOO much shoes ;)
P.S: The shoe store, Wondershoe is worth to be checked out as some of you have already known.
ReplyDeletei looveeee this post! hilarious and lil bit pathetic. *kok ga cerita kita mau masuk got? hahaha
oya, like those photos btw. gedein dikit lagi deh. lucuuu! hihihi
thanks pal! i really appreciate it. iyaaah tuuh ud gw set large tp emg kekecilan gw ngeditnya. huhu. yawes gw coba edit lg deh hahaha
ReplyDeletehuh? "I just like to say it because when we are together, usually we'll done something wrong"?? hahahaa.. yeah right! xp
ReplyDeletegw baru menyadari yaa, emang menemani laura mencari 'the right shoes' butuh perjuangan yg amat sangat, huahahaa..
hahah bnrrrr bgtttt. makanya bnr bgt nih kl cr ny kyk skr suru si laur cari2 dulu or browsing d inet br nyamperin tmptnya.
ReplyDeleteterimakasih loh kawan-kawan atas perhatiannya.
saya terharu!
jgn bosan-bosan,