Okay let's give it a shot.
First, bienvenue or welcome to anyone who stumbles across my blog, La Noirceur. which means blackness or evil deed. Now, before you start to think that I'm into violence or gothic, I assure you that I'm not. Though no offense to anyone who does. The reason of its name is purely because it sounds cool and in French. Well, of course not! I'm not that shallow (well a lil bit maybe..) But no, it because the meaning is what resemble me the most. In the sense that I'm not into crime or anything but I do have evil mind ;)
Although my friend first said that procrastinating suited me much better, I couldn't find the French match. Enough with my nonsense rambling about the name.
Second, you must be wondering why I'm here. Well, that's if you still reading and not yet feel the need to gag due to my chatter (because I do!). Back to why, it's solely because it's obligatoire. Not the best motivation per se, but I do need to pass the class so here we are. Honestly, I'm not that fond of pouring my feelings or thoughts into writing, tho I do love reading. Thus, I must say that it was so dang hard for me to start. As the wise businessman J.C Penney once said, "It is always the start that requires the greatest effort."
I'm completely in sync with Mr.Penney about that one. Considering my idleness and the constant need to procrastinate, blogging or writing will be a great challenge for me. Hopefully once I started, I could finish. Props to every other bloggers since I'm amazed with all of you! I believe that writing your feelings or any kind of thoughts needs a great courage. Something that I lack, I guess.
So, I'm willing to learn from you! Any kind of comments or feedback will be very welcome.
P.S: let's hope that I won't bore you to tears with my musings and keep our fingers crossed.
au revoir,