According to Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary, fit in means:
1. to feel happy in a group of people because you are similar to them
2. if one thing fits in with another thing, they look pleasant together or are suitable for each other
3. to be part of a situation, system, or plan
4. to be able to be done between other activities
Okay, we'll use all of the definition here except for no.4. Why? Because I want to talk about fitting in. We, as a human, divided into 2 categories. As a biological creature and a social creature. At least that what I have been taught. As a biological creature we need to eat, breathe, and sleep. While as a social one we need other people whether to help each other or to interact with each other
As we're given the ability to adapt in a new situation or to fit in, we usually do everything in our power to adjust ourselves into it. And when we live in a society there are some moral codes or rules that we need to comply. Either it's how to dress, how to talk, or how to behave. It depends on every society.
My question is, how far will you go to fit in in a society or a smaller one, group? Yes, everybody needs to belong to. It's the third need in the Maslow's hierarchy. The need of belonging and love.
Okay you have to be fashionable to belong to a popular group. So you change the way you dress. The next step will be, you need to be thin, then you starve yourself. later on, you need to be as cool as the others so you might need to smoke or do drugs. And so on..
What happen to diversity? Why do you need to be the exact replica of the others? I get that we need something in common to click. But to what extend? Next step might be a cosmetic surgery or even changing your orientation. Do we really have to go along the way just to be accepted? Or maybe, maybe we just fall into the wrong group. Then again, the definition said that "to feel happy in a group of people because you are similar to them", I think sacrificing and changing yourself that much won't make you that happy.