That my friends, is a title of a french film. The English one is He Loves Me.. He Loves Me Not, starring Audrey Tautou and Samuel Le Bihan. At first I thought it was simply a chick flick but it turned out it wasn't! Okay I won't give you any spoiler but I think it's worth to watch. A simple lesson that appearance can be deceiving or in this case a story that you led to believe.
The story began when Angélique, a successful art student purchased a single pink rose to be delivered to her lover, Dr. Loïc Le Garrec (Samuel Le Bihan). A cardiologist who is married and a soon-to-be father. But she's crazy in love with him and he's her. Therefore, despite all the obstacles, she believes that nothing can separate her from him..
Okay crappy summary I know. I'm not good in making summary but hey don't let my shitty synopsis prevent you from watching this ;)